A story of purpose.
Every now and then someone has a special blessing that comes along and makes an impact on their life. And once and awhile, its so special that it makes impact on many.
Some stories last lifetimes, they get passed through the ages from generation to generation. Parents tell kids. Grandparents tell grandkids. Papaws tell great-grand kids and Nana’s tell nieces and nephews. Friends tell friends and neighbors tell neighbors. That’s how stories are shared. The really good ones go on for ages and ages, years and years.
This is one of those types of stories.
We’ve read and heard horse stories; Black Beauty, The Black Stallion, Secretariat and Seabiscuit. Man O’ War and Trigger, Sergeant Reckless and one of my personal favorites, Snowman.
Today I’m introducing Junior to you as the next famous horse.
To say Junior was outstanding just doesn’t fit, nor does acclaimed, honored or incredible. He was all those things and more. Junior was extraordinary and remarkable. He was good, and kind. Patient and willing. Obedient and submissive.
He was beloved.
The day Junior came to our family he was long legged and lanky, energetic and playful. He never went anywhere slowly and I made fun of his blaze that seemed to have been smeared across his nose and one eye, it just made sense to me that he couldn’t sit still while God was painting him.
At first we called him Blaze and that name was a good fit for him in many ways, but he just seemed to be the image of his father, so I just couldn’t help but call him Junior. Jr for short. That name stuck and so it was.
Junior loved life and he loved his people. He loved to run everywhere and he loved the water, just like his father. He was beautiful and smart, always ready to learn and easy to teach. Just like his father. And he worked hard and played hard, just like his father.
When it was time to teach Junior how to be led by a halter, he never fought it and followed like he should. Again, just like his father.
When he got his first saddle, it fit like a charm. He did what he was told just like he had known all the things a horse should know before anyone tried to teach him.
One day he went to a festival with lots of people around and even helicopters flying close by. Junior was calm and friendly to everyone. He had a message to share with people while they waited in line to ride his friends. He helped tell the story in the Bible about how to be submissive to God and how to be obedient. Junior laid down with all the people around him and even helicopters flying around. He showed how you can trust and have faith even when you feel scared.
At that festival a boy came to see Junior. This boy loved horses very much, but he wasn’t able to ride them. He had a disability that made it hard to control his body. Sometimes his arms and legs didn’t do what he wanted them to, but Junior didn’t care. He loved that little boy. When he saw him in his wheelchair he wasn’t afraid. He put his head down so the little boy could pet him and that boys face had a big smile.
Then, Juniors handler asked Junior to lay down, and he did. The handler lifted the boy from his chair and put him on Junior’s back. When he was told, he gently stood up and then walked carefully along while the handler helped the little boy ride on Junior’s back. That little boy had a BIG smile then. And so did his father.
Junior loved to play and he loved to go on trail rides. He was a big helper when the cows needed to be rounded up and he was also a good friend.
He was only three years old when he became Denton’s friend.
Denton had ridden a very old horse, a pony and then a very big mare. He had leared a lot and he liked to go fast. So did Junior.
One day Denton’s daddy decided to see if he and Junior got along so he put Denton’s tiny saddle on Junior’s back.
Denton rode Junior like they were made for each other. They ran, they went on trail rides, they did fun competitions together and they even took several of Denton’s friends for rides all at the same time.
Junior was a special horse. He did many wonderful things for many people, even the ones who only knew about him and hadn’t seen him.
One day Junior got very sick.
It was a scary day. Everyone wished that he could talk so he could tell us what was wrong, but he couldn’t.
Junior went to the vet, which is a horse doctor. They tried and tried to make Junior well, but he just seemed to feel worse.
Everyone prayed for Junior. We asked for God to heal him, and we asked for a miracle.
But hadn’t we already seen the miracle? Hadn’t we already received the blessing?
Sometimes God grants us certain things for a little while and it’s up to us to appreciate them while we have them. We have to learn to not take anything for granted.
Junior taught us so much in the four years we were able to know him, but those lessons will last as long as we share them.
Junior enjoyed life. He made each day fun and he made friends everywhere he went. Junior loved to learn and he liked to try new things. Even when he didn’t feel well he was still kind and gentle. He had love in his heart.
Junior was like his father. He helped others and he was submissive and obedient. We should be like Junior.
We are like our Father. Each of us are created just like Him. We should love to learn to be like Him every day and help each other too. When we don’t feel well, or if we are scared, we should trust like Junior did. We should submit to our Father and trust him to lead and teach us. We should be obedient too. Our Heavenly Father won’t lead us into anything that He won’t help us with. We should want to help others. Each of us have something we can do for someone else. Junior didn’t have anything but himself, but he used himself, his strength, his heart and his kindness.
When Junior laid down he was vulnerable to anything that wanted to hurt him, but he trusted that he would be okay.
Jesus laid down his life for us. He was vulnerable for us.
When Junior got up he carried those who couldn’t carry themselves.
Jesus got up too, and because He did, we can trust Him to carry us when we need Him to.